When we look and feel our best - the sky is the limit! 

Feeling confident in your skin is a feeling you should have every day, and taking a little time out for some TLC can do the mind and body a whole world of good. It can put you in the right frame of mind so you're ready to take on the week ahead and prepared for whatever life may throw your way. 

Everyone has their way of relaxing and recharging but for many a treat like getting your hair cut, grabbing a facial or even just having your nails done can do the trick! Lucky for us, we're in no short supply of local health and beauty places to help our skin glow, our hair shine and our nails glitter. 

After spending so long helping us feel our best, we think it's only fair to return the favour which is why we're offering newspaper readers the chance to celebrate their favourite hair and beauty places, by telling us all about it! 

Tell us about your favourite hair and beauty place

We invite you to nominate your favourite hair and beauty place by entering them into our competition. All we ask is that the salon/clinic in question is located within our newspaper's distribution area. 

The closing date for nominations is July 1, 2024. Once all nominations have been collected, the five hair and beauty places with the most votes will go through to the next stage of the competition. Newspaper readers will then have the opportunity to vote for their favourite in the paper only, during the week commencing July 8, 2024.

How to nominate your favourite hair and beauty place

To make a nomination follow the link below to submit your entry.

Click here to nominate your favourite hair and beauty place



It's one nomination per form and photocopies won't be accepted. If at the close of the nomination stage, there are less than five pubs in the category or a tie, the decision may be taken to release all nominated sites into the final voting stage. Multiple voting by household is permitted. The editor's decision is final. All nominations must arrive by the stated closing date to be included. Newsquest terms and conditions apply. Click here for information regarding how we will process, handle and maintain your data.

And remember in the famous words of RuPaul... 'If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?'