A 12-year-old boy left in a coma after suffering brain damage in an incident at home might have been taking part in a “online challenge”, his mother has said.

Hollie Dance, 46, of Southend, says she found son Archie Battersbee with a ligature over his head on April 7.

Miss Dance said: “We initially thought that it was a freak accident but now I’m wondering whether it could be some sort of online challenge.

“Someone got in touch with me to say they’d heard of boys putting ligatures over their head as part of an online challenge.

“It may not be but I’m not ruling it out.

“I’ve asked to the police to investigate.

“I think I’ve got a duty to raise the possibility and warn other parents.”

Braintree and Witham Times: Archie BattersbeeArchie Battersbee

Miss Dance, a former dance teacher, said Archie, a keen gymnast, was in a stable condition in a coma in hospital.

She said an online appeal had been started to raise funds for treatment and she had been overwhelmed by the support the family had received.

“I don’t think there is anyone in Southend who hasn’t reached out,” she said. “I’ve been overwhelmed.

“We’re trying to raise money for treatment and have raised more than £5,000.”

Miss Dance revealed she and her daughter have both felt Archie squeeze their hands since he has been in a coma.

Southend seafront's lights turned purple last week as a sign of the community's support for Archie and his family.