AMBITIOUS plans to build new shops, homes, flats and a care home in Witham have been recommended for refusal.

Developers, BGF4 (Witham) LLP, Barchester Healthcare, and Churchmanor Estate submitted plans to Braintree Council last year.

It is part of plans for development of Gershwin Park on land northeast of Reid Road in Witham.

Under the new proposals there would be a single story centre to provide three retail shops.

There would also be a three-storey building to provide a 70-bedroom care home as well as 44 homes which would be a mix of houses and a three-story apartment building.

A total of 139 parking spaces and 87 cycle spaces are proposed to be provided across the site.

Currently the site is made up of scrubland and has previously been designated for development in the council’s local plan.

However, the plans have attracted concern over impact on traffic.

One objector said: “The current Witham town infrastructure and capacities are already over-stretched with regards to traffic going into A12, availability of schools and places within the schools, lack of public reasonable transport on stretch of Gershwin Boulevard.

“This is only going to increase the traffic situation in and around the area with increased levels of pollution."

But the bid could face a setback after Braintree Council planners recommended the ambitious plans for refusal.

Reasons for the recommendation include conflict with the local plan, harm to the character of the area, lack of planning obligations and ecology.

The move comes despite planners acknowledging economic and social and it being in a sustainable location.

In a planning report, planning development manager Christopher Paggi said: “When considering the flat planning balance and having regard to the adverse impacts and benefits outlined above officers have concluded that the benefits of the proposal are clearly and significantly outweighed by the harms, including the harm arising from the conflict with the development plan, such that planning permission should be refused in line with the development plan.

“It is considered that the adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.”

Developers were given outline permission in 2012 for a masterplan for land to the south of Hatfield Road, forming part of the Maltings Lane development.

The development included a commercial area for employment, community facilities including food retail, non-food retail, a pub/restaurant, office, retail warehousing, children’s day nursery, health centre, sports facilities and housing.