FUNDS have been secured to improve skate park facilities across the Braintree district with residents able to share their views on what should be included in the designs.

Braintree Council has secured funding to deliver updated skate park facilities and landscape improvements to sites in Braintree, Halstead and Witham.

The improvements will be to the open space at Ramsey Road Recreation Ground in Halstead, and the skate park facilities at Weaver’s Park in Braintree and Spa Road in Witham.

The skate parks in Braintree and Witham are coming to the end of their serviceable lives, and Braintree Council wants to replace and update the equipment with new facilities.

Braintree and Witham Times: Braintree Skate ParkBraintree Skate Park (Image: N/A)

Braintree and Witham Times: Witham Skate ParkWitham Skate Park (Image: N/A)

Residents are now being invited to provide feedback on how the skate parks are currently used, together with their suggestions for improving the open spaces.

For Ramsey Road, in Halstead, Braintree Council previously wrote to residents asking for feedback.

Based on the responses received, two options have been proposed for how the park could look.

Residents now have a further opportunity to add comments and suggestions for the layout and facilities.

Ramsey Road improvements were secured by the council as part of a Section 106 planning agreement with a developer.

Braintree and Witham Times: Halstead skate parkHalstead skate park (Image: Braintree District Council)

The feedback will then be used to create a brief that will go out to design companies to provide concept designs.

Residents interested in being involved in the design process can provide their contact details as part of the consultation form.

Braintree Council planning boss Gabrielle Spray said: “We want to create the most suitable facilities possible for the community that are modern, fun and safe to use.

“Please do use this opportunity to influence the designs and tell us what type of facilities you would benefit from in your local area.”

Details of the schemes and how residents can provide their feedback can be found online at

To provide the public with the opportunity to ask questions about the project, the council is also hosting a face-to-face drop-in session at each location.

The project team will be available in person on Saturday, October 22, at Ramsey Road Recreation Ground from 9.30am to 11am, Weaver’s Park, Braintree, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm, and Spa Road in Witham from 3.30pm to 5pm.