A MAN who crashed into a school minivan carrying children with special educational needs near Witham has been jailed. 

Daniel Berncastel, 19, of Stephen Avenue, Rainham, appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday (June 18) to face two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

During the incident, on July 6 last year, Berncastel was driving his Vauxhall Corsa when he collided with a Renault minivan, which had been converted to transport children with special educational needs and disabilities. 

Donna Skyes was driving four pupils to a school for children with special needs at the time of the incident. 

Sentenced - Daniel Berncastel, 19, of Stephen Avenue, was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown CourtSentenced - Daniel Berncastel, 19, of Stephen Avenue, was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court (Image: Essex Police)

Berncastel crashed into the minivan in Oak Road, Rivenhall, when he was taking a corner by driving on the wrong side of the road at about 9am. 

Passenger Callum Reeve had to be freed from the Corsa by firefighters and was airlifted to Addenbrooke's Hospital, in Cambridge, where he underwent spinal surgery. 

Mrs Sykes suffered fractures to her breastbone and a collapsed lung. 

Jack Coyne, prosecuting, read an impact statement prepared by Mrs Sykes, where she explained how the crash had changed her life. 

The statement said: “On June 6, 2023, you have broken me. You have taken my independence.

"I have gone from someone who drove all over the UK to someone who can’t drive again. 

“I still hear the children scream and cry. 

“You have taken my hobby, as my family and I enjoy motorsports, but now even the sound of loud cars makes me scared. 

“It has taken my self-worth. So much has been taken from me.” 

Incident - The crash took place in Oak Road, Rivenhall, on July 6 2023Incident - The crash took place in Oak Road, Rivenhall, on July 6 2023 (Image: Google Street View)

The court heard Berncastel, who admitted the charges, had been out with friends the night before and had taken cannabis.

He was found with 3.2 microgrammes per litre of blood in his system, above the legal limit of 2.0 microgrammes per litre. 

Annie Fraser, mitigating, told the court Berncastel was “truly remorseful” over the incident and had attended drug counselling to deal with his cannabis consumption. 

His Honour Judge Alexander Mills sentenced the defendant to one year and 11 months in prison.

Berncastel must pay £500 compensation to each of his two victims. 

He was disqualified from driving for two years and 11 months, concurrent with his custodial sentence.