A PENSIONER has completed an ambitious challenge to walk more than half a million steps and raise thousands of pounds for a children’s hospice.

Chris Green, 75, of Finchingfield, has lived in the village for 44 years, and over the course of last month completed a 500,000-step challenge in aid of Little Havens Hospice.

The ramble which started on May 1 would see him go for up to three daily walks around the paths and fields of Finchingfield, Great Bardfield, Great Sampford and beyond.

On May 1, he did 9,000 steps, on May 2, 31,000, steps and by the end of the month he had completed a total of 566,177 steps.

Rambling - Christopher Green out on a walk with TillyRambling - Christopher Green out on a walk with Tilly (Image: Public)

Chris has now raised more than £4,600 through JustGiving and other donations.

He says it wasn't as tough as he thought it was going to be.

Chris said: “I just kept going. I left the house one morning before 6am and saw deer, it was just magical.

“I was fearful it may be a hard challenge but it wasn’t as challenging as I thought."

Chris is a senior captain at Braintree Golf Club. He learned about Little Havens after being asked to support a charity and choosing for the hospice.

The vital organisation which provides specialist care and support for babies, children, and young people with complex or incurable conditions.

Chris said: “The charity I adopted was Little Havens - a wonderful facility.

"My wife and I visited there. As soon as you walk through the door and see the care given, the smiles, it just made it so worthwhile.

“What impressed me is that the bereavement care goes beyond, where siblings, parents, need that comfort, and a children's hospice seemed right thing to support."

Chris was accompanied on many of his daily walks by cocker spaniel, Tilly.

His challenge will continue until the end of the golf season in March next year.

He added: “If I can encourage other people to be active, get your family out there, and if you can do it for charity, all the better.”

To donate, go to justgiving.com/page/chris-green-walking.