A CARE home in Braintree brought fantasy and adventure to its residents with a Wonderland themed day.

RMBI Care Co. Home, Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court, created a magical Alice in Wonderland themed day with entertaining costumes, games, sports and music.

Leading up to the event, staff members volunteered their time to build an enchanted scene filled with decorations in the Home’s gardens, which is set in Stisted Hall, a Grade II listed property with period features dating back to 1825.

On the day, family, friends and children from a local nursery joined residents for a Mad Hatter’s tea party, tucking into scones, cupcakes and other sweet treats.

Fun- Staff members Sarah and Rachel dress up as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Fun- Staff members Sarah and Rachel dress up as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. (Image: RMBI Care Co. Home)

Barbara, whose mother, Kitty, is a resident at the care home, said: “You can really see how much effort has been put in by the staff. Everyone was smiling all day.”

Sophie George, Activities Coordinator at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court, said: “Staff, family members and children dressed up, so it was a fun and colourful scene which our residents thoroughly appreciated.

“People shared stories and the experience gave our residents the opportunity to form new memories.”

Sophie added: “There were smiles all around.”

RMBI Care Co. is part of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Visit: http://www.rmbi.org.uk/