TWO dogs have been stolen during a robbery in Great Leighs today, with the owners left "devastated" and appealing to get their pets back.

The pets, a five-year-old chocolate Labrador and nine-year-old black and white spaniel, were taken between 9am and 4pm from an address in Boreham Road.

Det Sgt Dan Smith, of Braintree CID, said: “The thefts of family pets are always devastating for the victims, and we want to do everything we can to return these animals to their rightful owners.

“If you see the dogs, please call 999 immediately. We would urge people not to take matters into their own hands but call us with any information or sightings.

“And if you are the person who has these dogs, please hand them in or contact us.

“The owners are devastated and want their pets back.”

Anyone with information about the burglary or about where the dogs are should call 999 and quote incident 857 of August 7.