A CHARITY boss has said she was 'shocked' and 'overwhelmed' after being selected for a top award.

Witham-based baby bereavement support charity, Little Wings of Hope, has been selected as a finalist for the BBC’s Make a Difference Awards, just one year after its launch. 

Little Wings of Hope was founded by Leila Hobart in August 2023, just a month after the loss of her son, Oscar.

She said: “I saw the lack of support and accessibility for services in the area – the nearest Sands group being in South Wooden.

“Connecting with others was quite difficult, when grieving the loss of a baby everyone tries to be helpful but other parents are the only people who truly get it.

“I started the charity with the clear mindset of wanting to give back to the community."

Leila is passionate about using her own experience to help others in the community and offers a range of support – through Little Wings of Hope – including, bespoke journals, monthly support groups, online groups and events.

So far, the charity has donated more than 60 journals to NHS hospitals, including Colchester, Norfolk and Norwich.

The charity also sends out support packs which include thoughtful gifts for grieving families, including bespoke candles and candle holders.

On top of this, it holds online support groups on the last Monday of each month, offering virtual support to those with living children that can’t always attend the charity’s in-person groups.

The charity also recently launched a WhatsApp group for pregnancy after loss – supporting and guiding those going through pregnancy after losing a baby.

“One thing that really helped us – before and after Oscar’s funeral – was getting away to Scotland and Aldeborough," said Leila.

“We just couldn’t bear to be within the community or at home,

“We know we were extremely privileged to be able to get away, but many others aren’t,

“Little Wings helps fund couples to get away to relax, reconnect and remember their babies."

In the year it’s been running, Little Wings of Hope have funded two different families to take a break whilst grieving – helping them get the space they need to reconnect and heal.

Leila said: “It isn’t just about community work, it’s also the background work to advocate for change and see that change,

“Especially when it comes to the NHS, there are a lot of different elements within the baby loss world and many barriers for people that lose babies to get the support they desperately need."

Following her work, Leila received a call from BBC’s Matt Mackay, letting her know that Little Wings of Hope has been selected as a finalist for the BBC’s Make a Difference Awards in the volunteer category – recognising their efforts in supporting Witham’s community.

“When you lose a baby it’s weird because little signs happen," said Leila.

“It was 11 months to the day that we’d lost Oscar, and I got a phone call from Matt,

“I was already feeling delicate on that day and when he told me we’d been nominated I just cried down the phone to him.

“It was such a shock, and I was really overwhelmed – I guess when you’re passionate about something you forget the impact you have on others because you’re in survival mode.

“Olly Murs is judging our category so it’s a bit crazy – it was so nice to be nominated.

“We don’t do it for the praise we do it because we want to help others and be a pillar of strength for then.

“It’s really special and it has signified what my love is for and how we remember Oscar – it’s how we keep him and his legacy alive."

The ceremony for the BBC’s Make a Difference Awards will take place next month, when the winner will be announced.

The charity is part of all parliamentary groups for baby loss, as well as NHS England, and has hosted Witham community’s Baby Loss Awareness week for two years.

Last year’s Baby Loss Awareness week was a success for the charity, with Witham community seeing pink and blue displays in local business windows as well as Witham’s Valero Lounge hosting quiz nights in aid of the charity.

Little Wings of Hope will be going down a similar route this year, teaming up with the Witham Hub once more to create a display of baby names – loved and lost within the community – inviting members of the public to reach out to pay public tribute to their babies.

Anyone who wishes to have their baby’s name displayed in town can contact the charity via email, Facebook or visit the Hub.

The charity will also hold a 5K and 10K walk for Baby Loss Awareness week, where members of the community can pay £6 to ‘walk, jog, or plod’ virtually or in person, as well as taking sponsorships, in aid of Little Wings of Hope.

As well as this, the charity will be out in the community and at the reformer church on October 9, to talk about Baby Loss Awareness week and will participate in Witham’s autumn fair on October 19, which will see arts and crafts stalls and local businesses.

“Baby Loss Awareness week is really important," Leila said.

“I think, especially now with the world we live in, it’s crucial to break down the stigma and to let people know they’re not alone,

“For me, it’s a pinacol part of the year – it allows us to talk to people and highlight how they can be supported by talking about their babies,

“We need to talk about our babies – they’re very much loved, they lived, and they deserve to be remembered."

For more information on Little Wings of Hope, visit littlewingsofhope.co.uk