A HOME-Start volunteer is running the London Marathon to celebrate the charity she has worked at for more than 11 years.

Georgina Emerson, 56, has spent 11 years volunteering for Home-Start, a family charity which is active in the community and organises home visits.

She has always wanted to run the London Marathon, and running for Home-Start is a “dream”.

Georgina said: “I wanted to do London for ever, and it’s a dream come true to be able to run the London Marathon for the charity I volunteer for.

“I’m not sure enough people really know what Home-Start does and the difference it makes to people’s lives.”

Fun - Georgina enjoys dressing in costumes for runsFun - Georgina enjoys dressing in costumes for runs (Image: Georgina Emerson)

Georgina is part of the home visiting team and has worked with 11 families over the years.

She said: “It’s very varied and it’s very rewarding, as you can make some changes and see the family move on.

 “We get a referral from a health visitor or people can self-refer, and my supervisor will see the family and find out what they need and try to match the family to the volunteer with the best experience.

“When we get matched with a family, you have a list of things to address, you’ve got in mind what to look for.”

Georgina has provided important and varied support through volunteering, from accompaniment on day trips, to getting someone’s food shopping, or to giving a single mother with twins enough time to have a shower.

She said: “I think it’s just amazing. I don’t think enough people know about it.

“You don’t have to be Mary Poppins to volunteer for Home-Start.

“Maybe you can just come and talk to mums and tell them it’s okay.”

Excited - It's Georgina's dream to run the London Marathon and she is proud to run for Home-Start UKExcited - It's Georgina's dream to run the London Marathon and she is proud to run for Home-Start UK (Image: Georgina Emerson)

After running several half-marathons as she approached her 50th birthday, she felt ready to take on the full 26.2-mile challenge.

She said: “The first marathon I did was Brighton 2013. I burst into tears when I crossed the finish line and immediately signed up to another one.”

When Georgina finally got a London place, she knew she wanted to run for Home-Start.

She said: “Every six weeks we have reviews, and you can see the progress in a family.

“The charity is just amazing, and they need all the funding and awareness they can.”

Search for ‘George's fundraiser for Home-Start UK’ on Just Giving to donate.