WITHAM’S cohort of 16-year-olds have celebrated their GCSE results today.

Maltings Academy is proud of its students’ “fabulous results”, in only the second year that normal grading has returned since the pandemic.

Principal Leanne Abbott-Jones of Maltings Academy said: “Huge congratulations to our year 11 students, they have worked incredibly hard and achieved some fantastic results.

“We wish them all the very best with their next steps, and I know that they have an exciting future ahead of them."

Celebrate - High achievers at Maltings Academy are excited for their futures. Celebrate - High achievers at Maltings Academy are excited for their futures. (Image: Maltings Academy)

Standout results include Fareed Anibaba, who achieved three 8s, three 7s, two 6s and a distinction*, and will go on to study A-Levels at Colchester Royal Grammar School.

Hannah Barlow achieved three 8s, four 7s, one Grade 5 and a distinction and will go on to study A-Levels at Colchester Sixth Form College.

Harrison Daniels achieved five Grade 9s, three Grade 8s, and one Grade 7, and is going on to study A-Levels at Braintree Sixth Form.

Isabell Latham achieved six 8s, three 7s, and a distinction* and is going to study A-Levels at Chelmsford County High School.

Info - The new numbered grades expand upon the old lettered grading structure. Info - The new numbered grades expand upon the old lettered grading structure. (Image: Web)

Celebrations continued at New Rickstones Academy, which went to “great lengths” to prepare its students for exams with a range of support.

Tabitha Blackmore achieved four 9s, five 8s, and a Grade 7, and will study A-Level Latin, History, Theology, and Spanish at New Hall School.

Olive Burke achieved two 9s, three 8s, one 7 and a D2*, and will study her A-Levels at Colchester Sixth Form.

Joe Emerson achieved two 9s, one 8, and three 7s, and is going to Colchester Sixth Form to study Computer Science, Physics and Maths.

Happy - High achievers Kath Bellchambers, Eden Stobbart, Tabitha Blackmore, Olive Burke, Rares Bujor, Joseph Wilkins, Harry Standing, and Joe Emerson.Happy - High achievers Kath Bellchambers, Eden Stobbart, Tabitha Blackmore, Olive Burke, Rares Bujor, Joseph Wilkins, Harry Standing, and Joe Emerson. (Image: New Rickstones Academy)Headteacher Kath Bellchambers said: “We are incredibly proud of our students and their GCSE achievements this year.

“Their hard work and dedication has paid off, and we are thrilled to see them reach new heights of success.

“The entire school community celebrates their accomplishments and looks forward to supporting them as they embark on the next chapter of their educational journeys.

“I’m exceptionally pleased to see how many of our students have chosen to continue their education with us at Witham Sixth Form.”

Both Maltings Academy and New Rickstones Academy are part of AET, one of the largest groups of schools in the country.

Regional Education Director, Johanna Thompson, at AET said: “It’s been brilliant to hear about all the wonderful success stories at Maltings Academy and New Rickstones Academy this year.

“Our students have done so well and have exciting futures ahead of them.

“This is no small part down to the incredible work of our staff who have done everything in their power to support them through this time.

“Huge congratulations to year 11 and the Class of 2024- we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what you achieve next!”