EMOTIONS were high across Braintree as GCSE students collected their results.

Students were supported by their parents and many of their teachers across the three Braintree schools while they opened their envelopes.

Notley High School is “proud” to celebrate improvements in its GCSE and BTEC results, with 136 students achieving at least a Grade 4 (standard pass) in English and Maths, and 85 students recuring a Grade 5 (strong pass) and above in English and Maths.

Triplets Nina, Ruby, and Amy will all be staying on at Braintree Sixth Form after achieving exceptionally well.

Sisters - Triplets Nina, Ruby, and Amy celebrated exceptional results. Sisters - Triplets Nina, Ruby, and Amy celebrated exceptional results. (Image: Newsquest)

Nina is proud of her Grade 8 in Chemistry and Grade 6 in Biology, and will go on to study Biology, Chemistry and English Literature at A-Level.

Ruby achieved four Grade 9s and will study English Literature, History, and Philosophy.

And Amy achieved a Grade 9 in History and several Grade 8s, which she will use to study A-Level Maths, Politics, and History.

Callum Guntrip achieved 7s in Maths and Further Maths, and he will go on to Stanstead Airport College to study aeronautical engineering.

Wow - Callum will go to Stanstead Airport College to study aeronautical engineering. Wow - Callum will go to Stanstead Airport College to study aeronautical engineering. (Image: Newsquest)

Danika Myburgh was “so happy” she got the Grade 6s she needed in all her sciences, plus a Grade 9 in Drama, so that she can go to study Animal Science at Writtle University College.

Frankie Lamb said: “I’m just happy I passed everything, because now I can go onto my next step doing Technical Theatre at Colchester Institute.”

Mr Barrow, Headteacher, said: “We are proud of all the work and achievements of our students.

“Our teachers, learning mentors and pastoral staff have run additional revision sessions, interventions and offered one-to-one support and I am tremendously grateful to each and every one of them.

“We now look forward to welcoming so many of the 2024 cohort back in September as they embark upon their A-Level and BTEC qualifications.”

Happy - Danika and Frankie are excited for their next steps. Happy - Danika and Frankie are excited for their next steps. (Image: Newsquest)

Celebrations continued at Alec Hunter Academy, where Headteacher Mr Lawn was “extremely pleased” with the school’s moderate rise in the percentage of students gaining both a Grade 5 or better and a Grade 4 or better in English and Maths.

Francesca Hall achieved three Grade 8s, as well as three Grade 7s and three Grade 6s.  

Ben Collier saw three 9s, four 8s, and three 7s, while Aimee Malas saw four 9s, two 7s, and three Grade 6s.

Great - Alesha Hamblion, Jasmine Heath and Francesca Hall were happy with their results. Great - Alesha Hamblion, Jasmine Heath and Francesca Hall were happy with their results. (Image: Alec Hunter Academy)

Mr Lawn said: “This day is always one we look forward to hugely as we witness the culmination of our efforts to support our young people to achieve and cherish their successes.

“They have been a delightful cohort to work with over the past 5 years, through some turbulent times, and we are immensely proud of their outcomes, for which they deserve the greatest credit.

“We wish all our students well as they embark on the next phase of their educational journey, hopefully with some great memories of their time at Alec Hunter.”