BRAINTREE Area Foodbank has been awarded almost £89,000 to keep up with "huge demand".

Braintree Council has provided one year grant funding of £88,900 from its £1m Cost of Living Fund, which will go towards the cost of procuring food, essentials and more.

Over the past two years, Braintree Area Foodbank has experienced a "huge demand" for its services, council bosses report. 

Funds - Braintree councillors visit Braintree Area Foodbank warehouse. Funds - Braintree councillors visit Braintree Area Foodbank warehouse. (Image: Braintree Council)

Twice as many parcels were given out in the financial year 2023-2024 than in 2019 and 2020.

Half of the households the foodbank supported in 2023-2024 were reaching out for the first time, which was in addition to continued support to a growing number of regular users.

The centre is open on Saturdays to the public and is available for partners needing the space to support their customers.

Support - The foodbank has seen a 'huge demand' in recent years. Support - The foodbank has seen a 'huge demand' in recent years. (Image: Braintree Council)

The funding also went towards extra staff to deliver food parcels to the outlying rural areas and ongoing vehicle costs.

Vanessa Green, Communications Manager at Braintree Area Foodbank, said: “Everyday people are in crisis due to the financial challenges they face.

“We know that the food, which was once donated, is needed now for each household to survive.

“This further funding from Braintree District Council will enable us to continue to fight food poverty in the district.”