A TEEN with autism and ADHD who feared he would never sit his GCSEs is celebrating after getting his exam results. 

Dominic Smith, 16,  admitted he “never got on at school” where he felt he was a “naughty child”.

Last year he discovered Rallysport Engineering Academy in Colchester, which teaches motor vehicle studies, via a friend. 

Despite not expecting that he would sit his GCSEs, yesterday Dominic finally picked up his results in six subjects meaning he can continue to the Colchester Institute, unlike if his results were ungraded.

He told The Times: "This should show people that even when you struggle and you might not do the best you can do it. 

"Your best is all anyone can ever ask for."

Progress - Dominic Smith did not sit his mock exams this winter due to his mental health but this summer sat all his examsProgress - Dominic Smith did not sit his mock exams this winter due to his mental health but this summer sat all his exams (Image: Submitted)

Dominic enjoyed how Rally was less of school environment, more like a workplace with teachers and tutors having a laugh, with pool being played on the breaks.

He also started to get involved with SD School of Martial Arts in Greenstead Road.

Dominic is from Shrub End, Colchester, said: “I was at a really dark point in my life, I was dealing with depression and Rally would sit and down talk to me.

“They were really supportive and respectful and kind of the best people I have ever met, and with the SD School of Martial Arts, they really did save my life.”

Dominic’s mum Vicki said: “A lot of children with autism and ADHD get anxious but his was a lot worse around school, he got physically sick, he got that anxious.

“Due to the funding from his ECHP, which took four years, Dominic was put forward and his confidence has grown since September, he has really come out of himself.”

In the last year, Dominic, gained a level one diploma in car mechanics, while improving his mental and physical health at SD.

Achievement - Mum Vicki Smith thanked SD and Rallysport for their incredible support, leading to this level 1 certificate that will help Dominic progress next yearAchievement - Mum Vicki Smith thanked SD and Rallysport for their incredible support, leading to this level 1 certificate that will help Dominic progress next year (Image: Submitted)

Dominic said: “A lot of my positive mind set has come from SD, when I started coming it was with kids involved in various activities from shoplifting to people like me who had a rough time in school."

Dominic is now loving kickboxing at SD and said: “I would class SD as my extended family, I have never met a less judgemental place in my life apart from Rally.

“I have learnt life lesson and all sorts about people from here. The only advice I could really give is… that there loads of things I have been told I am not going to have, a career, I got told by a teacher I would be in prison.

“Sometimes you need to ignore other people. Stay in school, don’t try to act like you are better, everyone can always teach you something.”Mentor - Dominic Smith with his SD mentor Sean Hoyland Mentor - Dominic Smith with his SD mentor Sean Doyland who said he was "amazing lad" who volunteers with the younger children (Image: Submitted)