RESIDENTS are concerned for their safety as ‘ridiculous’ building works continue for 250 homes in Braintree.

Persimmon Homes are working on the development in Braintree Road, B1018 near Galley’s Corner in between Braintree and Tye Green.

After ‘dangerous’ foundations were laid close to the road in July, scaffolding has been put up for the next stage of construction which blocks the only footpath along the road.

Danger - Residents are worried about the blocked footpath, which is the only walking route from Tye Green to Braintree. Danger - Residents are worried about the blocked footpath, which is the only walking route from Tye Green to Braintree. (Image: Newsquest)Trevor Norcott, 73, lives in Tye Green and used the footpath every week to walk to Braintree with his wife.

He said: “It’s ridiculous to be quite honest with you.

“With the scaffolding up, there’s no walkway.

“Mums with prams and people in their wheelchairs can’t get by without going into the road.

“Children also use this path to walk to school.

“It’s been like this for three weeks at least, everyone is moaning about it.

“Something needs to be done.”

Worry - Scaffolding is very close to the road and passing cars and lorries. Worry - Scaffolding is very close to the road and passing cars and lorries. (Image: Newsquest) A spokesman for Persimmon Homes Essex said: “Scaffolding is currently up around the new homes along the B1018 Braintree Road and will remain in place for the next five weeks as work continues on the bungalows.

“This does not block any footpath as there is not a public right of way or formal footpath alongside the road in this location.

“However, Persimmon Homes will be creating a number of new footpaths, as detailed in our approved plans for The Maples, that will provide safe pedestrian routes through the new community to Braintree Road.”

Plan - Persimmon Homes have shared an outline for the development, which shows public footpaths outlined in yellow. Plan - Persimmon Homes have shared an outline for the development, which shows public footpaths outlined in yellow. (Image: Persimmon Homes)

As part of the new development, a new roundabout for the estate is currently under construction on Long Green Road.

The spokesman continued: “Long Green Road remains closed as construction works are ongoing through to the end of September.

“There will be a phased opening from the Galley’s Corner approach as works progress over the coming weeks.”

Plans for the development were originally refused by Braintree Council in 2019, with Braintree Council citing many concerns about the danger of nearby roads, noise and odour from the neighbouring industrial site, and the loss of agricultural land before they were appealed and allowed by an independent Planning Inspector.

The inspector said that “adverse impacts would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits" of the development.