BEST friends have raised enough funds for a lifesaving air ambulance mission after completing a huge 82-mile walk across Essex.

Simon Alexander, from Braintree, and his best friend Peter Copsey, both 45, met when they were just five years old.

Last Saturday, they completed an 82-mile walk from Epping train station to Harwich lighthouse and raised an amazing £2,333 for Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.

Tough - Simon and Peter are battered and bruised after their challenge. Tough - Peter (left) and Simon (right) are battered and bruised after their challenge. (Image: Simon Alexander) Simon said: “It’s absolutely amazing, and we’re really, really happy.

“The average cost of a callout for the charity is £2,800, so hopefully we’ve covered the cost of a mission.

“We’re really happy with that.”

The pair knew it was their “toughest” walk yet, but they faced even more challenges than anticipated.

A hot day meant they needed more water throughout the night, and more sweat meant more blisters.

At the halfway point in Coggeshall, Pete’s ankle began to swell so that they weren’t sure if he could continue.

But they had a lot of support from best friend Paul Savin, who stayed with them throughout the night, as well as a man running in Coggeshall who offered Pete help in his home, and members of the public who shouted encouragement.

Team - Simon (left) Paul (middle) and Pete (right) at Harwich Lighthouse. Team - Simon (left) Paul (middle) and Pete (right) at Harwich Lighthouse. (Image: Simon Alexander) Simon said: “It’s amazing the people you meet along the way who want to help and give you encouragement.

“Paul was amazing—we couldn’t have done it without him.”

The last part of the walk was the hardest, after Pete and Simon both began to vomit so they did the last 16 miles without food or water.

Simon said: “We could still walk, so we kept going.

“We were just over the moon when we got to the end.”

Their families met them at the end in Harwich, and they completed the walk in under 30 hours.

Simon added: “If any members of the public came out to be there for us, we’re sorry we were running a bit late and want to say thank you.”

Happy - Simon, Peter and Paul were emotional as they completed the challenge. Happy - Simon, Peter and Paul were emotional as they completed the challenge. (Image: Simon Alexander) They’re both “very battered and bruised” and lost about six pounds in the night, but they are recovering after the challenge.

Simon said: “Walking is a bit hard at the minute, but next week we’ll be right as rain.

“We knew we could get to the end, and we did.

“So, we’re really happy.”

To donate, search for Peter Copsey on Just Giving.