A MAN died of alcohol poisoning after going out for drinks in Braintree days before Christmas.

An inquest heard Michael Eley, 37, was found kneeling in the garden of an address in High Garrett, Braintree, on December 15 last year.

A coroner said Mr Eley had been enjoying drink with friends at a nearby pub and left at 2.30am when he went to his parents’ address to charge his mobile phone.

When his father came home later that morning, he saw Mr Eley “kneeling on all fours in the garden”.

Michelle Brown, senior coroner for Essex, said: “Mr Eley had no previous medical history and had not seen a GP since 2019.

“On December 15 he had been having a few seasonal drinks with friends in a local pub and was known to have left at 2.30am.

“When his father came home he saw the deceased kneeling on all fours in the garden.

“Believing him to be drunk, he called his partner to come and collect him.

“When she arrived he was blue in the face and unresponsive.”

Paramedics were called and confirmed Mr Eley had died.

Mrs Brown concluded it was an alcohol-related death.