MORE than 30 members of the public joined the "devastated" family of a man missing for more than 50 days in a search for any clues to his whereabouts.

Martyn Richardson, 27, has been missing for 56 days.

He was last seen at about 8.30pm on August 24, after attending a family party in Bocking for his great Nan.

Missing - Martyn RichardsonMissing - Martyn Richardson (Image: Essex Police)

He was wearing a grey hoodie with a long-sleeved top underneath with a stripe down the arms, black fleece shorts, and black shoes.

Martyn is a “vulnerable adult” due to his asperges, and his family maintain he “would never have made them worry” by choosing to go and believe “something must have happened to him.”

Search - Volunteers spread out across the large fields and searched the undergrowth for any of Martyn's belongings Search - Volunteers spread out across the large fields and searched the undergrowth for any of Martyn's belongings (Image: Newsquest) Help - volunteers during the public search for Martyn RichardsonHelp - volunteers during the public search for Martyn Richardson (Image: Sam Lucas)

Speaking at the public search today, Martyn’s nan Mary Richardson, 65, said: “It’s nice to see that everybody wants to help, the community have been really, really good.

“The first two or three weeks it was totally devastating. I couldn’t manage to do anything much.

“After about week four, it was a case of that we must do something. We had to pull ourselves up.

'Devastated' - Mary is out most days searching for her grandson Martyn'Devastated' - Mary is out most days searching for her grandson Martyn (Image: Newsquest)

“We’re just trying to keep strong and do as much as we can,” Mary added.

“We need anybody who knows anything, even if it’s the tiniest thing—just say it.”

Volunteers met at 11.45am to comb through the fields around The Chase, near Dorewards Avenue, where Martyn’s bike was found by police two days after his disappearance.

The search was organised through the ‘Find Martyn’ Facebook group, where Lee Richardson, Martyn’s 42-year-old uncle, asked for 30 volunteers.

Searching - around 30 people helped hunt around the areaSearching - around 30 people helped hunt around the area (Image: Sam Lucas) Support - Lee and the rest of Martyn's family are very grateful for the public's supportSupport - Lee and the rest of Martyn's family are very grateful for the public's support (Image: Newsquest) Lee said: “I had well over 50 responses—we really appreciate everyone coming out to help.

“Braintree and Bocking has got a massive community spirit.”

He continued: “You have different theories running in your head, none of which are particularly pleasant. It’s difficult.

“The fact that everyone’s still so invested in helping us to find Martyn is lovely to know.”

Volunteer - Tina was one of the 34 volunteers looking for Martyn todayVolunteer - Tina was one of the 34 volunteers looking for Martyn today (Image: Newsquest) Tina Byrne, 60, lives at Marks Farm and donned her gardening gloves to search the grassland.

Tina said: “People just don’t disappear. They just don’t.

“It’s the family you feel sorry for, they need to know and it’s not fair on the people, the family and friends.

“There must be some explanation.”

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We continue to encourage anyone who has not done so already, but who may have information about Martyn that would help our investigation, to contact us.”

Please quote incident 324 of August 25. You can submit a report on the Essex Police website or by using the online Live Chat service.

Join the ‘Find Martyn’ Facebook group here.