G2 inquiry: Henry Green said it would carry more weight if the parish council was represented in person rather than a written response.

He outlined the content of the proposed response, which included a history of the village, the impact on the village and surrounding area by airport development, how a second runway would further destroy the village and the views of villagers.

It was agreed Mr Green would form a sub-committee to produce a response and make a final decision on whether there would be a written response and/or representation.

District councillor: Jackie Cheetham asked for feedback on the new area forums that had replaced the area panels.

Keith Vincett had attended the meetings and said they provided useful contact points and were an improvement.

Uttlesford Council’s finances were getting back on track and there was a determination not to cut services.

Another enforcement officer had been employed in planning and a new finance officer was being recruited.

Correspondence: Following Mr Vincett’s letter on fly-tipping, a response was received outlining changes to the enforcement team and comments on its main focus of education.

A follow-up e-mail from Mr Vincett asked for a response on the fly-tipping in Canfield Road which, despite being reported and visited by the enforcement team, still remained two months later.

Jon Sams is to attend the Essex funding forum on grants at Hylands House.

Highways and road safety: The highways sub-committee had met and included an item in the Great Canfield newsletter.

The next step was to meet highways to understand what options were available on signage, to seek guidance on hedge responsibilities and other current issues.

All side roads had been resurfaced and a satisfaction survey had been received.

An incident was reported due to bollards at Hope End. Robert Mackley had checked and they had been placed in accordance with regulations.

Crime prevention: It was agreed to buy five reflective Neighbourhood Watch signs.

Trees: Mr Green said saplings were being offered free. It was agreed to put an article in the next Great Canfield newsletter asking for possible sites.

Mr Green gave a report on horse chestnut trees and the spread of the leaf mining moth. He said where it was present, leaves should be collected and burnt, not composted.

Crumps Farm: The sub-committee updated the parish council on actions taken, primarily in response to the planning application lodged in August.

A letter is to be sent to Clare Tomalin, Essex County Council head of development control, outlining the parish council’s concerns and asking why planning conditions had not been monitored.

It was agreed a united approach with Little Canfield and Takley parish councils would be worthwhile.

Website: Great Canfield’s village design statement website now had a section dedicated to the parish council.

The clerk is to maintain the site and add other information as required.

Village hall: There is a requirement to make some decisions regarding the church hall as a result of the possible amalgamation of the six parishes.

A sub-committee of councillors Mackley, Salmon and Sams had been formed to monitor and assist in any change, with the power to co-opt others.

Next meeting: October 14, at 8pm in the church hall.