Gravel pits: Vincent Thompson gave an update on his attempts, along with Chris Trembath, to get feedback on the case.

His feeling was that proper procedures were not being followed. He has still been unable to speak to Clare Tomalin at Essex County Council.

Mr Trembath’s lawyer is of the opinion that a section 106 agreement was being negotiated and he felt no mitigating measures could compensate the village for the detrimental effects to the lakes.

Simon Walsh agreed to follow this up and report back. He also mentioned that Uttlesford Council would need to be consulted and suggested the parish council approach it to enlist support.

Stansted Airport: Mr Thompson, who is listed to speak at the G2 public inquiry in April, reiterated his opposition to the plans.

Mr Walsh added that Essex County Council had sent objections regarding compulsory purchase orders.

The county council’s position on the road junction improvements was that these should go ahead, regardless of any change in the airport size.

Parish councillors formally agreed the wording for their response to Uttlesford Council.

Eco-village at Easton Park: Mr Thompson said the area surrounding the village was owned by Land Securities.

The proposal was put forward in January, with potential to increase to 10,000 houses.

Mr Walsh suggested the parish council contact the Rural Commission for its support.

Playing field: Scott Forbes had found another venue for his football team.

Streetlights: Nigel Holden had agreed a five-year agreement with A&J Lighting.

Rural Community Council of Essex: Shirely Holden had researched the organisation and councillors agreed to renew membership.

The clerk circulated feedback on the judging of the Best Kept Village competition, where the village scored mainly eight of tens.

Flower planters: Those at the entrances to the village were still looking stunning and Sue Gilbert was thanked for this.

Donations: Letters of thanks were received from Stop Stansted Expansion and Little Easton Good Companions for donations.

Clerk’s report: The last police speed check was in July and another two were due.

They are also looking into a speed checkpoint in Park Road.

The noticeboard now had a padlock because important papers were being removed. Anyone wishing to place anything in it can contact the clerk.

Any other business: The Memorial Hall committee’s concerns were passed on about the untidy area behind the hall and fly-tipping of garden refuse.

It felt the scaffold pole that used to be locked across the entrance to the field might help the situation. Nigel Holden agreed to see if this could be put up.

Sue Gilbert asked if there was anything that could be done about heavy farm machinery damaging Manor Road. The council could see no alternative route for the farm vehicles.

Mrs Holden raised the issue of dog fouling on the playing field. Mr Holden agreed to locate a sign that had previously been made up and it would be discussed at the next meeting.

Mr Holden asked if Essex County Council could inspect trees overhanging Park Road in the lakes area as part of the annual inspection because they were low and restricted full use of the road.

Mrs Holden also added the hedges overhanging the pavement in Duck Street, near The Old Stag Cottage, and on Taylor’s Hill.

A complaint had been received about the condition of Manor Road. Mrs Holden is to get the complainant’s contact details so the clerk could pursue the matter.

Next meeting: October 29, at 8pm at the Stag pub.