Elaine Baynes reports Margaret Street toilets: Simon Martin, of Uttlesford Council, attended to discuss the toilets.

The council had undertaken a review of toilets in the district and he had been appointed to ask the parish council if it wished to take over ownership of the public toilets in Margaret Street.

Uttlesford Council would fund the running of the toilets on a sliding scale for an agreed period, after which the parish council would become the owner.

Its budgeted figures for the toilets were: cleaning £8,260; ad hoc repairs £1,530; electricity £440; rates £720; water rates £2,610; and insurance £60.

Parish councillors will consider this matter further.

Mr Martin also asked if the parish council would consider joint office use with Uttlesford Council of the CIC in Town Street.

Concern was expressed there would be insufficient room at the CIC offices as the accommodation was also shared by Essex Police.

The chairman said this proposal would need to be considered in greater depth.

Matters arising: Councillors Mike Collins, Peter King and Eileen Walsh had attended the neighbourhood action panel September meeting at Thaxted CIC.

The wall at Bolford Street Hall had now been rebuilt.

Legal agreements: The clerk is to send the lessee an agreement for the use of the piece of land in Bardfield Road.

An agreement had been drafted for Thaxted Cricket Club, which was raising funds to build a clubhouse on land which was in the parish council’s ownership.

Any other business: David Barnard said Thaxted Disabled Centre was having difficulty covering its transportation costs and inquired if Thaxted Market would be able to cover such costs.

It was suggested the disabled centre send a formal letter to the parish council chairman.

A tender had been received for the various works at the pavilion. It was agreed the clerk and councillors John Freeman, Terry Frostick and Phillip Leeder would deal with the matter.

Jack Jeekins, who had given money for the town sign, reported it was in a poor state of repair. The clerk is to speak with Bakers of Danbury.