Italian Premier Mario Draghi’s offer to resign after a populist coalition ally refused to support a key government Bill has been rejected by the nation’s president.

Sergio Mattarella told Mr Draghi to see if he can find a majority in Parliament willing to support him.

Mr Draghi’s broad unity coalition government — which includes parties from the right, the left, the centre and the populist 5-Star Movement — was designed to help Italy recover from the coronavirus pandemic. He took office in February 2021.

Hours earlier, Mr Draghi and his government won a confidence vote, 172-39, in the Senate despite the refusal by the 5-Star Movement to back the Bill, which earmarked 26 billion euros to help consumers and industries struggling with soaring energy prices.

But the snub, orchestrated by 5-Star leader Giuseppe Conte, Mr Draghi’s predecessor, did its damage.

President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati reads out the vote result at the Senate in Rome
President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati reads out the vote result at the Senate in Rome (Roberto Monaldo/LaPresse via AP)

Shortly before heading to the Quirinal presidential palace to tender his resignation, Mr Draghi declared: “The majority of national unity that has sustained this government from its creation doesn’t exist any more.”

Mr Mattarella told Mr Draghi to instead go back to Parliament and see if he can garner solid support, a palace statement said, adding the resignation was not accepted.

State television said Mr Draghi could speak to Parliament next week, likely on Wednesday.

If Mr Draghi cannot solidly stitch together enough support to carry out his economic reforms, Mr Mattarella could pull the plug on Parliament, setting the stage for an early election as soon as late September. Currently, Parliament’s term expires in spring 2023.

Italy Politics
Lawmakers attend at the Senate in Rome (Gregorio Borgia/AP)

Mr Mattarella had tapped the former European Central Bank chief — who was known as “Super Mario” for his “whatever it takes” rescue of the euro — to pull Italy out of the coronavirus pandemic and lay the groundwork to make use of billions in European Union pandemic recovery funds.

The 5-Stars, who have lost significant support in recent local elections, and have slumped in opinion polls, are in disarray.

Hard-line 5-Star proponents, who were sceptical of joining the government last year, have been complaining that their interests have been ignored.

In the measure voted on Thursday, the 5-Stars opposed a provision to allow Rome to operate a garbage incinerator on the outskirts of the chronically rubbish-choked Italian capital.

In the debate, several senators blasted Mr Conte’s decision to have 5-Star senators boycott the vote.

Italy Politics
5-Star Movement leader Giuseppe Conte talks to journalists (Mauro Scrobogna/Lapresse via AP)

Being in a government “is not like picking up a menu and deciding, antipasto, no, gelato, yes″, said Emma Bonino, who leads a tiny pro-Europe party.

Others noted that Mr Draghi had increasing become a pivotal figure in Europe as Russia wages war against Ukraine, especially with the impending departure of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mr Draghi has governed with the support of virtually all of Italy’s main parties, with the exception of the fast-rising far-right Brothers of Italy party, which has demanded that Mr Mattarella pull the plug on Parliament and give Italians a chance to vote in new leaders.