Anyone who has an infection can get sepsis but some are more likely to get it such as babies under one and people over 75.

Sepsis is a life-threatening illness and is how your body can react to having an infection.

If not treated with antibiotics in the hospital straight away, it can get worse very quickly meaning you could need treatment in intensive care or even surgery to remove the infection.

When sepsis is not treated early, it can turn into septic shock and cause your organs to fail.

With this in mind, you might be wondering if sepsis can be cured and if you can make a full recovery from it. Let’s find out.

Can you recover from sepsis?

Most people who have developed sepsis can make a full recovery but it can take time, reports the NHS.

During recovery, people may experience physical and emotional symptoms which can last for months or years.

This is also known as post-sepsis syndrome and some of the long-term symptoms can be:

  • feeling very tired and weak, and difficulty sleeping
  • lack of appetite
  • getting ill more often
  • changes in your mood, or anxiety or depression
  • nightmares or flashbacks
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

The NHS adds that post-sepsis syndrome symptoms should get better on their own but it can take time.

Recommended reading:

Some changes that could help recovery from post-sepsis syndrome include:

  • ask your work about changes to your working hours or conditions while you're recovering
  • do some gentle, easy exercises to build your strength
  • get regular sleep
  • try to prevent infections – for example, by washing your hands regularly
  • try to eat little and often if you have a small appetite

You can also see your GP for treatment for physical side effects and treatment and support for emotional symptoms.

If you think you or someone you look after has symptoms of sepsis, call 999 or go to A&E.